
Faith: What it is, and What it leads To is unavailable, but you can change that!

What is faith? The writer of Hebrews wrote at length on the subject, and generations of Christians have pondered this question—and its answers. Wrestling with faith and doubt are a natural component to Christianity, but what exactly is meant by the term ‘faith’? In this volume, Spurgeon weighs in. Faith: What It Is and What It Leads To includes chapters on the object of faith, the relationship...

cometh to Christ and humbleth himself, because he cannot do without Christ, and must perish unless he lay hold of him. But to carry the question further back, where does that man get his sense of need? How is it that he, rather than others, feels his need of Christ! It is certain he has no more necessity for Christ than other men. How doth he come to know, then, that he is lost and ruined? How is it that he is driven by the sense of ruin to take hold on Christ the restorer? The reply is, this is
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